2013年5月31日 星期五






帶著帽子的日本中小學生們鬧哄哄地擠進廣場參與校外教學活動,由身穿peace guide的慈祥伯伯導覽,導覽員伯伯在熾熱的大太陽下,認真地解說浦上天主堂遺壁、被爆時的地層,還原歷史。

一束束七彩稻穗和世界平和等字樣掛在廣場四周,讓我想起在阿根廷同志大遊行買的的彩色旗,亮彩鮮豔的色澤,充滿著愛與和平的意涵。這時,腦中響起San Francisco這首歌……多適合阿~

If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there


一般而言,說到戰爭,男生總是比女生有興趣多了,Ian也的確花比較久的時間在原爆館吸收資訊。持著hostel發給我們的外國旅遊者discount card購票即享有原價200折價100的優惠。館內介紹詳細,搞得我數度暗自流淚。










2013年5月16日 星期四

【Argentina】Happy together in BA!

Here comes the C4 speech which I delivered in Toastermasters Legacy Club in 2012. It's a summary of Buenos Aries memory, with my true feelings toward the city.

For years, my husband had been dreaming to visit Argentina. After watching a love story movie “Happy Together” 春光乍洩 which was shot in Argentina, directed by Kai-wai, Wang. My husband seemed determined to have honeymoon trip in this romantic country and visit the shot locations. The truth is we did it.

We started exploring Argentina from Buenos Aires and ended up the trip there too. This is the fascinating city which I really want to share with you how special it is.

BA is an abbreviation of Buenos Aires which origins from Spanish, meaning “fresh air or good atmosphere”.  With fan-shape windows, carving designs, and sculptures, from neoclassical, colonial period, to 19th century, European style architectures might confuse tourists where they exactly were. Sunday markets attracted lots of tourists packed in the fairs just like in London. The smell of street coffee and croissant was floating in the air. Was I in Paris?

In Buenos Aires, You could always find a good steakhouse. A steak dish cost you not too much, about five hundreds NT dollars. Medium is the perfect selection. Hot in middle, pinky color surrounds the center of the savory roasted meat. You can taste meat itself without seasoning any sauce, fresh and tender, melt-in-mouth and juicy. A perfect steak dish with a small bottle wine, can you tell I was in heaven? 

                 Steak in Restaurant El Desnivel

Well, heaven is wonderful but it’s inappropriate for long-stay or you will get too much weight. So we decided to discover what happened outsides. Surprisingly, we found Argentineans love one special activity similar to Taiwanese, parade.  

Do you think your people like to do this? After a rally finished, the garbage and flyers were everywhere found in BA streets. Is it common in Taiwan? Can you say it’s because we are more passionate? So we make garbage?

My husband and I did join their parades twice, and one is a very big event which caused Sunday football match cancelled and made my husband a little bit sad.

But it provided an unprecedented opportunity to witness history.

In 23rd/October, cars, coaches, and buses bumper-to-bumper moved to the city center. Well-dressed in Carnival, uniforms, or in new fashion designs, people jumped off the transportation and lined up in a parade by a parade.

With the thunders of drums and waving flyers, the crowds were dancing and marching toward the square in front of president office, for celebrating 2012 president election which Christina won her second term campaign with over 50% of vote nationwide. You could hear their yells of “Christina, Christina, Christina”. Oh mine. I hope being renamed to Christina at the moment to embrace the cheers.   

People were cheering for Christina who won the president election!

Buenos Aries is a city of freedom, street artist improvised music during daytime. At night it’s the show time for tango. We visited Bar Sur where the movie “Happy Together” shot. A small bar setting with 10 tables around where the musicians, the singers and a pair of dancers performed in turn or together.  

While they finished one small show you might not notice it’s over because you were too drunk. The air was covered by tango, you breathe in tango and your eyes, ears, heart were drunk. The female dancer with S curve, tried to tease and temper desires. The sparking between dancers made all the audiences being in love. In this ever-bright city, the never-ending tango would keep you head-over-heals. It’s a perfect ending in our honeymoon.

With its female characteristics, unpredictable, beautiful and sexy, Buenos Aries revealing her charms welcomes tourists all over the world. I am sure that the city will keep her diversity whenever I meet her next time. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you BA, Buenos Aires!

2013年5月13日 星期一

【阿根廷】蜜月也可以很背包客! 我的阿根廷蜜月!


於是,當Ian提出阿根廷蜜月3個星期時,我無需極力被說服。這趟旅程始於2011/Oct/17th (Mon.),終於2011/Nov/7th (Mon.),將時差(該國比台灣慢了11小時)、行程頭尾各兩天總共四天花在搭機轉機的時間扣除,真正的旅遊算起來只有18天。

這是趟夫妻蜜月背包客行程,也是王家衛電影「春光乍洩」巡禮,行程只排了三個據點:分別是Buenos Aires(布宜諾斯艾利斯), Iguzu(伊瓜蘇), and Ushuaia(烏蘇懷亞)。是的,18天拜訪了三個城市,很愜意的旅行。

經過比價之後,為了稍稍便宜的機票,忍受一點長途跋涉之苦沒放在眼裡,一路從香港、中東杜哈轉機,再飛至巴西聖保羅停站休息,最後,終於飛到了我們的目的地Buenos Aires!台灣往返香港是搭乘國泰航空,從香港開始就是搭乘卡達航空了,卡達的服務很好,是我目前搭過最多不同國籍機組人員的航空,飛機餐點算符合我胃口。在一個美麗大方、兩眼深邃的空姐推薦之下我替自己和Ian辦了免費的Privilege club卡,意思是以後我可以在QATAR VIP ROOM休息嗎?

從香港飛杜哈搭乘時間約8hrs 25mins,杜哈飛布宜諾斯艾利斯共17hrs 15mins,飛到地球彼端了另一處去是要付出代價的,得來不易的東西才會格外珍惜。


2011 Honeymoon Schedule:  
Oct/17th (Mon.)
桃園航空站出發(TPE TIME)
Oct/18th (Tues.)
晚間抵達Buenos Aires(BA TIME)
Oct/19th(Wed.)~Oct/23rd (Sun.)
Buenos Aries
Oct/24th (Mon.)
移動日 Buenos Aries > Iguzu
Oct/25th(Wed.)~Oct/28th (Sun.)
Oct/29th (Sat.)
移動日 Iguzu > Buenos Aries > Ushuaia
Oct/30th(Sun.)~Nov./2nd (Wed.)
Nov/3rd (Thur.)
移動日 Ushuaia > Buenos Aries
Nov/4th (Fri.)
Buenos Aries
Nov/5th (Sat.)
晚間離開Buenos Aires(BA TIME)
Nov/7th (Mon.)
晚間抵達桃園(TPE TIME)